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Estate Planning is All About Love


Happy Valentine’s Day! It is time to celebrate LOVE! Although Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day to celebrate romantic love, it is also a day to celebrate all forms of love. We celebrate the love we share with our parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, friends, and precious pets. School children routinely exchange Valentines with their classmates just to make them feel special. We let our husbands, wives, girlfriends, and boyfriends know how sweet we think they are with gifts of chocolates, red roses, mushy cards, and suggestive loungewear. We love to love and be loved in return.

Estate planning does not seem sexy or interesting unless you think about what it means. Estate planning is really about love. When we plan for our future, whether it is our potential incapacity or our inevitable death, we spend time thinking about who and what we love. Who is most important to me? Who will miss me most if I am not here to take care of them? Who will take care of my children or grandchildren? What will happen to my beloved and loyal pet? What will happen to the farm or the business that has been in our family for generations? Who will get grandma’s wedding ring? How do I provide a legacy gift for my church or favorite charity? How will people remember me?

Estate planning is important because the people, pets, and charities we love, and who depend on us, are important to us. Most people prefer to avoid discussions about death or disability. At The McIntosh Law Firm, we prefer to talk about who you love. Whether we are preparing a will or a trust, discussing a potential guardianship, or choosing the person who will make healthcare decisions for you if you are not able to do so, we are talking about the people you love. We talk about taking care of your loved ones, or the possibility that the people you love will be taking care of you.

So, this month, as we celebrate Valentine’s Day, take a few moments to think about all the people, pets, and charities you love and who enrich your life. Think about the home, the land, the heirlooms, or the special gifts that have touched your heart. When you are ready to start working on a plan for all you love, give us a call. We will talk about protecting and planning for your loved ones.

Author: Louise Paglen, Estate Planning Attorney

The McIntosh Law Firm, P.C.

