Nominate a Lake Norman Hometown Hero

Do you know someone who always goes above and beyond with no expectation of anything in return? Would you like to see their good deeds recognized and celebrated?
The McIntosh Law Firm LKN Hometown Hero program honors local residents who give of themselves for others. Often these individuals work behind the scenes and go unrecognized for their talents and gifts.
We want to honor people who are passionate about making a positive change for the Lake Norman community and its residents. Over the next several weeks the Firm will be taking nominations on our website for Hometown Heroes.

How to Recognize a Special Someone
Four winners will be selected, one per month – December through March. Once a person is nominated, their name will remain eligible for selection for the entire season. Each winner will be asked to attend and be recognized at a Davidson College Basketball home game. The winner’s 501(c)(3) charity of choice will receive a donation from The McIntosh Law Firm in their honor.
Help us to recognize a few of the many in our community who make it a truly great place to live and work.