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Advance Planning for People Living with Dementia – Don’t Wait!


Advance planning for individuals with dementia is important to ensure their future well-being and to ease the burden on caregivers and loved ones. Dementia is a progressive condition that affects memory, cognition, and daily functioning, making it crucial to have a comprehensive estate plan in place. Below, we explore the keys to advance planning to help individuals and their families navigate this challenging journey.

Early Diagnosis and Documentation:

Early diagnosis is crucial for effective advance planning. Individuals should seek medical attention as soon as they notice any cognitive changes. Once diagnosed, documenting medical information is essential, including medications, allergies, and contact details of healthcare providers.

Power of Attorney and Legal Representation:

Appointing a trusted family member or friend as an Attorney in Fact under a Durable Power of Attorney is essential so someone can make financial and legal decisions on behalf of the person with dementia when they are no longer able. Consult with an attorney familiar with elder law or estate planning to ensure that all necessary legal documents, such as a will or trust, living will and advance healthcare directive, are in place.

Creating a Comprehensive Care Plan:

Developing a detailed care plan addresses the specific needs of individuals with dementia. This plan should encompass healthcare preferences, daily routines, safety measures, and contingency plans for various stages of the disease.

Long-Term Care Options:

Research and evaluate different long-term care options, such as home care, assisted living facilities, and memory care centers. Consider the person's preferences, financial resources, and level of care required when making this plan.

Financial Planning:

Dementia care can be financially demanding. Engage in financial planning early on to understand the costs involved and explore options for funding long-term care, including insurance policies, government assistance, and personal savings.

Communicate and Educate:

Open communication among family members, caregivers, and medical professionals ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the person's care and preferences. Additionally, educating family members and caregivers about dementia and its progression will help them provide better support and empathy.

Estate Planning:

Review and update the person's estate plan, including wills and beneficiary designations, to reflect their current wishes and ensure a smooth transition of assets.

Advance planning with dementia can be a challenging process, but it is vital to ensure the best possible care and support for individuals with the condition. Early diagnosis, legal documentation, comprehensive care planning, and financial preparation are key components to consider. By taking these steps, individuals and their families can navigate the complexities of dementia with greater confidence and compassion, ultimately improving the quality of life for all involved.

Author: Bob McIntosh, Attorney and Managing Partner
