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What Would Saint Valentine Do? Nothing Says Love like a Good Premarital Agreement!


The story of Saint Valentine dates back to the third century, and today, we celebrate love and romance on Valentine’s Day. These feelings often lead to committed partnerships, and when couples decide to make their commitment official, they typically seek a marriage license and hold a ceremony—whether civil, religious, or spiritual. This act of commitment invites a range of legal rules and regulations, some of which may be known, while others may be surprises to modern couples. These rules come with the intent of supporting marriage as a foundation for stable families and communities.

Just as you would plan for your estate, each state—including North Carolina—has a legal framework for how it handles marriage. However, couples also have the option to establish a legal agreement, such as a Premarital Agreement, to address specific goals and intentions that align with their financial and family dynamics.

Who might consider a Premarital Agreement? If you’re in your thirties, have built substantial wealth, or have inherited significant assets, you may want to ensure that those assets are protected in the event the relationship comes to an end. If this isn’t your first marriage, or if you’re creating a blended family, a Premarital Agreement can help safeguard your wealth for your own descendants, ensuring that your individual financial interests are preserved.

While discussing these topics with your partner may not seem romantic, a candid conversation about finances and the potential benefits of a Premarital Agreement can actually strengthen the trust and respect that underpins your relationship. In fact, having an open dialogue about these matters can foster deeper understanding and security for both partners.

I believe Saint Valentine would approve of such thoughtful planning—after all, true love involves care and consideration in every aspect of life, including the financial one.

Leah Trowbridge, Estate Planning Attorney
The McIntosh Law Firm, P.C.
